Pure in Heart?

Our heart may have many desires. We can work on getting them. But inside the desire is the belief that when we get what we desire, we would experience satisfaction. 

What if you get what you want and it doesn’t satisfy? Then what? You are surprised. You say, “Hey, this is exactly what I wanted. But the satisfaction I expected has come and gone.”

We pursue another desire. And we may have the same experience. It does not satisfy us as we thought it would.

Here’s the problem: Our desires are faulty. What we desire is not what will satisfy us. It seems like they should but they don’t. They can’t. Because the desire is not related to that deep part of us that wants to be satisfied. We do not know enough about the deep desire of our soul. That’s why we think this or that should satisfy us.

Our culture tells us that happiness lies in this or that. They are attainable in life. Money, adventure, becoming an expert at something, facing danger or becoming wise are all good things

But the deep desire of your heart can’t be met under normal life circumstances. Can it be that the very part that measures satisfaction is broken?

We have to get rid of our very unit of measure. To fulfill this desire involves a dramatic change. Only your soul knows what it needs.

Let’s take a example. You feel love would fulfill your deep desire. You pursue love. And you find that one person. This is it. This is real love. You love them. They love you.

Everything is right. They want to give you all their love. And they do. You love them with all you have. But somehow as life gives you trouble, well, it’s just no fun anymore. And as good as love is, you need better love. 

Where do we get this love?

You are a creature created for something. You must have this better love. You need to get rid of all other desires until you only have one desire. Pursue this desire and you will find that which satisfies.

This is what it means to be pure in heart. You only want one thing. And that is what will satisfy you. In the process, you are changed. All those other desires become useless because they always were useless. They only covered up the true desire of your heart.

And the purity of your heart guarantees it will be satisfied. Blessed are the pure in heart…

The one responsible for our greatest need must answer. He will answer because he must. If he made us to need him, how can he ignore us who have nowhere else to go?

We were wrong. We had things wrong within us. No wonder we did wrong. A big important part of us was not functioning. Now we are alive. We can become that which we were meant to be.

The part of us, the selfish part, was doing us no favors. Worst yet, we thought that was the real us. We need to be totally reorientated. You and I have great potential. Really!

Now, you may think, like I did, that Christianity was believing certain things. They give you a list. But Jesus said two things: believe God sent me and follow me.

Is this a list of beliefs? No. But there is an old list. It starts with this: Love God. Why does God say this? Because he knows no other relationship. He loves you wholeheartedly. He knows no other way to love. And he knows that you loving him will give the best results for your life.

This is the ultimate gift: the ability to love unselfishly. God has this ability. In fact, it is the only way he can love. He has no need. But no one has this naturally. We are born in need.

Do you think God made people because he needed people to love him? Being three beings in one, there was no shortage of love. But they decided they had enough to share. We were made to be included in this love.

But the inclusion is voluntary. There is no forcing people to love with God. Remember only God is good. Only God has the love we need.

Yet, the world had to wait for Jesus to demonstrate what love was all about.

The Day After

(Zacchaeus and daughter talk on the day after the party with Jesus)

“Dad, people are here about the money.”


“Don’t you remember? Last night…”

Wait, yes, I said things…

“Mom is upset.”

So, no breakfast?

“No, in fact, she’s been baking bread all morning.”

Baking bread?

“She couldn’t sleep. She thinks she’ll have to sell her mink coat.”

It won’t come to that. How many are out there?


(Looks at watch) it’s only 8:30!

“Dad, that hasn’t been invented yet.

(Puts watch away – Gets out hourglass)

“I’ll be right back, Dad”

(She goes off and Z is alone)

What did I say? It was all because of Jesus! He had this effect on me. There was the wine. But I meant it! I can do this.

(Daughter comes back.)

Okay, I’m ready.

1. Good sir I heard…

Right, right. How much have you paid?

1. In denari or shekels?

Never mind.

(Puts money across desk)

1. This is a lot.

Can you leave through the back? I hear there’s fresh bread. Next!

2. I heard…

Yes, yes, but I don’t remember you ever paying taxes.

2. Well, I haven’t… But I heard you were giving money away.

Look, I’m in a good mood. Here’s some money. Leave by the back and keep it to yourself.

3. I’ve paid about…

I know, I know. Here’s some money. Leave by the back and keep it to yourself.

(puts money on desk and he leaves)

Daughter! What exactly did I say last night?

“Don’t you remember?…”

Meeting Death

“Who are you?”


“Where am I?”

“It’s not really where you are. It’s where you’re not”

“Where am I not?”

“On earth”

“What happened?”

“You tell me”

“I had a name. It was, I mean, it is, uh, Abe, no, Abel. I had a family, a mother, a father, a brother… We were out in a field…. My brother was going to show me something. Cain, Cain was his name. Then I was here.”

“He is there – You are here – He killed you”

“No, he wouldn’t do that.”

“He did”

“Was it an accident?”



“I am good at waiting – Do you want to sit down? I have a bench It’s right here”

“This makes it better, somehow. The white bones and the black robe…”

“I wanted something that said ‘Death'”

“And the hollow echo-like tone…”

“That is a choice”

“Is there anyone else here?”

“No, just you and me”

“What do you do?”

“I am in charge of death orientation – I answer questions – as I can”

“Is it boring?”

“We don’t think like that”

“Who are ‘we’?”

“Eternal beings – Did you ever go see the Garden?”

“We couldn’t. There was a guard. And a flaming sword. I wanted to go see but they wouldn’t let me. Cain said he went but I don’t think he really did.”

“I am going to appoint you as Deputy of Orientation”

“Really? What do I do?”

“You sit on this bench until someone dies”

“Wow. When do you think that will be? Wait, there is no time here…”

“That’s it… You’re getting it – Deputy”